Welcome back mamas, or welcome to any new mamas we may have listening to us today. Today, I so much of this week has been about the eclipse. Right? The eclipse happened on Monday and I don't know about you, but where I am we are very close in proximity to where the totality, like my house was actually in the 99% you know of of where you would be able to see the total eclipse. And so we didn't actually travel. We just decided to stay home and watch the eclipse from here. But there's just been so much talk about the eclipse, and I was thinking about it today, and I wanted to just think I wanted to share with you, my thoughts on. I don't know all these different lessons and things that I was like learning from the eclipse because I first well, I'm gonna start with a quote, right? I always start with a quote. So I'm gonna start with a quote. This one was from Edward Everett Hail. and he says, I am only one, but I am one. I cannot do everything, but I can do something, and I will not let what I cannot do interfere with what I can do.
welcome back, mamas, or welcome to any new mamas we have with us today. You guys, I am like ta taking a break from regularly scheduled programming. No, that's not. That's not it. But I am actually recording an extra podcast. This week because of the life lessons that I've learned over the last couple of weeks and just the perspective that I've gained from those lessons and from just the way that we're dealing with it reacting to it. And just I think it's so powerful. And I wanted to make sure that I shared it while it was still raw and fresh. And you know. Maybe I'll go back and tweak it when I have some even more perspective or add to it. but I feel like it could be a great tool for us moms especially, and also for anyone really just in dealing with adversity and dealing with things that choices that we've made and the way things have turned out. I'm gonna start with my quote. Here we go. Here we go. My first quote is from Al Franken.
welcome back mamas. I am excited on this Christmas week if you didn't know Christmas is my absolute favorite time of year and we are in the photos of it now, right it is well, today's Wednesday. I am waiting until the last minute to record this podcast episode and this week. I've been thinking a about sacrifice right in the spirit of Advent and everything that Jesus gave up on a cross for us. I have been thinking about sacrifice and I'm like that is what I want my topic to be about this week and I've have of course some quotes for you to share. I up with these quotes. I found these quotes a few ago. I'm gonna start with one from Napoleon Hill. So Napoleon Hill says great achievement is usually born of great sacrifice and is never the result of selfishness. So, you know, it has mothers we know all about sacrifice. Right and we are always sacrificing our cells like what we want do for ourselves and what we want to possibly have for ourselves for our children, but when it comes to sacrificing to make ourselves better, we have to sacrifice things to improve ourselves or to take our self to the next level. Sometimes we struggle that. And a times what I found is that it's all about our ego. Right and we may not like to hear that. A people are like ego what I have an ego. Well, let just check you right there because we
all have an ego, right if ever you're thinking about yourself and maybe what other people might think of you or you know, if you've ever thought about you know, well, what if I look bad right that is your ego talking that is your ego. It is saying to you like, oh, I don't want to look bad. I want to save face or I don't want that person to that way of me or whatever. It might be. you are Essentially having an ego right because you're thinking about yourself because a of times what we don't realize is that what we have to offer and it took a long to to this you guys but what we have to offer other people is something that unique like we are all created uniquely like no one else is like me. No one else is like you and you have something uniquely gifted to you that only you can bring right and even if somebody out is doing the exact same as you are you are going to do it differently. It is going to be done in a way and so a times what would to me? Is I would think oh, I don't want to share this with other people or I'm afraid to do this because I don't know what people might think of me. Right? Like if I start you you have be vulnerable right in order take yourself to next level, whether it's you know, doing something like I'm doing which like putting a podcast out and and doing like group coaching and things like that like a cohort. It is something different they on losing weight, right then writing a book they on starting a business than I don't starting to work out again putting something into your routine getting a massage for yourself like something anything that you want to do to improve yourself. You are probably going to have to make some sacrifices in order to achieve it now, maybe not the getting a massage once a or something like that. But all the other ones I talked about like losing weight even like losing weight. You are to have to sacrifice things in order to lose weight. You are going to have to sacrifice things in order to start a business you are going to have to sacrifice things in order like for me start a podcast like I have to just go for it and not care what anyone else is going to think about what I'm saying? What I'm doing like, you know, is she qualified. Is she this is she that you know, what? It doesn't matter what they think right and now that I'm doing it I before I did it you guys it took a long time to to that point before I did it. thought about this. I felt like I was being called to this. I felt I was supposed share this with the world, but let all these thoughts get into my head. And ultimately if I really got down to brass tacks, it was worrying about what other people might think instead of trusting what I know to true and you guys sacrificing that like sacrificing your reputation getting vulnerable. With other people like sharing personal stories sharing your feelings your opinions different things like that that I do if gonna write a or if you're going to start a business like these are leaps that gonna have to make and they are gonna require sacrifice and so it is something that is super important and we do it a as mothers, but it's not usually to better ourselves. We're sacrificing for sake our kids. We're sacrificing for the sake something else, right? So I want read my next quote and this one is from Gordon B Hinckley and he says you will come to know what appears today to be a sacrifice will prove instead to be the greatest investment that you ever make. So what appears today to a sacrifice will actually wind up being the greatest investment you ever make because in order to sacrifice, it's like an investment right? Like you're taking a chance, right? You are taking chance on yourself by sacrificing these things. Like if you're even if you're just losing weight and I say just losing weight. Even if you are goal is to lose weight or to start getting healthy again or to start working out again so that you are healthier. There are things that you're going to have to sacrifice and the payoff is going to be that you are going be a healthier person. Right? So the sacrifice is worth the investment just like if starting a business just like writing a or doing a podcast or anything that you want do. The sacrifice today is going to feel great, but it going to be the greatest payoff in the long run and I want to talk about this in another light as well. Because I'm I'm gonna read one more quote first though. Okay, I because just spotted this and I forgot that I had this one and it says if you don't sacrifice for what you want what you want becomes the sacrifice now, that one is not quoted and I do know I looked everywhere and nobody can quotes for it. There was lot places but if you don't sacrifice for what you want what you want becomes the sacrifice because you're not willing to sacrifice for it. Then you're ultimately saying, okay. Well, it's not important enough to you to make the sacrifice. And so that is what becomes the sacrifice the thing actually want in the first place is what becomes the sacrifice you guys that's deep, right that is deep and it is so true. And so what was going to go to before I remembered about that quote is this and this is about something that is it says by Jim Rohn and Jim Rohn. He's a motivational speaker and entrepreneur he is somebody who I follow but it says whoever renders service to many puts himself in line for greatness. Whoever renders service to many puts himself in line for greatness great wealth great return great satisfaction great reputation and great joy. So what are saying that is it, you know, sometimes being of service to others is a sacrifice, right? It is something we are sacrificing like it is more important to me. to put out there what I have learned what I gone through what I believe will help other mothers get out of either that funk that they're already in or maybe not even get into that funk but it is something that I am doing and am Sacrificing right? Like I I started this podcast. I don't make money from this right like this is not this is just something I do because I want help people like the cohort things like that that I'm to be doing. Yes, those things will cost money. But this is something where I am just giving back it is sacrifice of my time of my energy of my money actually, you know, I had invest a of money in to be able bring this podcast to guys. It is something that I have invested and I am sacrificing but it is a service that I am confident is going to pay me back and when whether or it pays me back on this Earth or later after this after life because I was stepped into my calling and helped other people. Is it doesn't matter to me like I hope that it does pay greatly in this, you in this life as well as Beyond but if it doesn't that is okay with me I have decided that that is okay with me and I would like to do this as a service to other people because I believe that it will bring it will bring greatness. Even if it bring greatness to myself it bring greatness to others. It will bring greatness to other families. It will be greatness to people who listen to this to who able to implement or step out of something they've been in or maybe get through something that they might not have known how get through on their own or you just hearing something that hopefully I have said that his impacted them to make a positive decision in their life that hopefully impacts their whole family, right that is why you do the things that you do because if you are providing service to others and I think you you guys have heard talk about this, you many times about doing things for other people and being of service and You how it will come back to you and outflow equals inflow. You've probably heard me say that too it is so true what you putting out there is going to come back. So whether or I get something back in this life. know I will actually I will be getting something back in this life whether or it's success in terms like, you know wealth it might not be that it might be the satisfaction. The joy that comes to me from helping other people, right? So I am sacrificing for that reason and you guys I just thought that in light of this week, like I said in light Advent and light all of this that would share this with you because sometimes and especially when we're going it to the end of this year, right? We're gonna starting 2024 here in a couple weeks and it is going to be something where you are most likely Going to have to sacrifice something to get what you want. and so I want to think about it in terms not sacrificing don't focus on what your sacrificing focus on what the reward is going to be and the greatness that is going come from And I know I've talked about, you making a list of things that you like things that you want. We're going talk about this a more in cohort, but also probably going to be bringing this up going into the new year and you know last week's episode if want to go back and listen was about finding your word of the year. And so just having that to on to so that can come back to kind your roots getting rooted. You don't have to find your word of the year. I know that's triggering for some people but was about getting rooted and I think that this takes it to the next level because you're going to have to sacrifice in order to get what you want. Most likely if you're moving forward moving towards something bettering yourself leveling up in any way shape or form you were going to have to go through some sacrifice and I just want tell you that it's going to be worth it and especially if you know the root of why you're doing the things that you're doing so I'm gonna leave at that short and sweet today. Hopefully you something from this and I would love to hear from you. I hope you have a merry Merry have obviously speaking to you before the new year, but also look, I'm going to hopefully link it in the notes the website where you can sign up for the cohort that's going to start in 2024. So until next week y'all keep smiling. Talk to soon. Hey mamas, welcome back. You guys I am so excited about this week. Like I am I don't know about you. But this week is crazy insane for I'm recording this on a Monday, but it will play on Thursday and by that time I will be through halfway through my crazy but you guys this is such a it's just a Time the holidays are a time of so many emotions, right? They're high. They're low. People are super happy. Some people are super sad. You have all of these things all over the place and it can get overwhelming and one of the things like we aren't too 2024 yet. But like I want to give guys like a great. Just something to think about something to hold close that you can hold in this time and just cling to and you know, it's gonna start with a quote right? So I will start with this quote and it's actually an African proverb and says when the root is deep there is no reason to fear the wind. So this week I want to talk about being rooted. So what whatever you think about, you Finding Your Word the year or you this year. I actually heard people are coming up with their song for like 2024 and I was like, I can't pick just one song right like I need a playlist right? So I they have been thinking about you know, why everyone talks about this word and why you know having a song and having this word and all of this is so important to people and people want to start thinking about it now because we're ending this year right because they start 20 Are
off with their new word in that new way like turning over a new Leaf, right? And it got me to thinking like why is this so important? And I feel like the reason it's so important is going back to that quote because when our roots are deep right when we know where we're going when we know what we stand for going back to like my first podcast episode about maybe not my one. So I like my pilot where I talked myself, but my one where I talked about us trying to find our true north and us, you figuring out what we truly want, right and that is probably when you're thinking about a long-term vision and thinking about where you're headed that isn't gonna change a like it may change some seasons of life things like that. But what does change is we change from year to year we grow from year to year we get better from year to year. So like last year my word for year was cultivate. I wanted cultivate all of these things in life cultivation is also like a term in not gardening but like in what is called agriculture where you you're cultivating the land right? You're stirring it up. You're turning it over. Right? And what I wanted do was cultivate all these new things in life cultivate Joy cultivate love cultivate all kinds of different things. I had I have whole vision board that look at it and I have I've been talking about You my planner that read every morning. all these different things that do to stay rooted, right? And so I think when it comes to finding a word for 2024 finding a word for any year the reason that it's so important is because you can come back to that word and be okay, what did want for myself for this year? Because we tend to you know think a about that at the of the year. We make All These Years resolutions and all these things but I don't even I'm not even all that strong on making all these like New Year's resolutions things that you're going to you know, maybe like set out in this way for a year and set yourself up. I want to say set yourself up to fail because New Year's resolutions have a place right but I think the word is more powerful. As it gets to the root of what you're wanting do for the year. So for me when I was thinking about this year my word last year was cultivate my word this year. I want to I think I'm I think I'm still working a little bit. But this is what I want you to do over the couple weeks. I think it's shine and think it is shine and I think it's because I'm to point where I just want to be my true authentic self. That's I want for all of you. But also what want for me and want to just like silence the noise silence what everyone else says silence everything tune into God tune into what I want and tune into. Just my inner knowing and allow that to shine. I want love to like radiate from me. I want you know, I want to shine my true authentic self and I want for I know. I feel like I have so much to give and feel like the way that I'm going to do that best is by not caring what other people think of me and just literally tapping into my heart tapping into God tapping into my truth and then shining like a diamond and I was like, okay, let's let's look shine like a diamond like that song of Rihanna's or whatever. I was I was I went down this path of like listening to all these songs and everything. I started my own playlist for 2024 songs that totally pump me up the Champion by Carrie Underwood, you different that that goes that speaks a lot to kind what I want to do. They're Shine by The Beatles like I love the Beatles carry what actually performed a beetle song once like that that Beetle song I feel what's it called is it called shine? I don't know what the Beatles song is called, but anyway, it is something where I feel like if you get a word and you get rooted in what it is that you want to do for yourself for 2024 what you want do and it doesn't to be like the whole year like your word could change who knows but like what do you want be rooted in that you can look back on that you can say okay. Am I shining right like last year? It like am I cultivating my cultivating what want in life and my cultivating what want in my and maybe your word power. Maybe your word strength. Maybe your word resilience. Maybe your word is Come back. Like maybe your word I know what your word is for you, but I would love for you to think about that over like the next couple weeks when you're going about all this busy. Think about it. You when you get start get stressed out be like, okay. What what would I rather be doing? Right like this is this is what I'm kind trying to get people to do is just recognize in the moment when you're stressed like in the moment when you're feeling overwhelmed in the moment when you you know, have all the busy going on and kind like checking in and saying, okay, is this what want? Is this the feeling I want for myself. What is the feeling I want for myself? Like what is that feeling that want for myself? And I think that if you can take and you can get rooted in something like another quote by JRR Tolkien it says deep roots are not reached by the frost. Deep roots are not reached by the frost, right the Frost gets on the tree it gets on, you know, the leaves that there are leaves or the, you pine needles whatever it gets on the ground, but it doesn't get on the roots. It doesn't get on the roots, right the roots are there and it they can't be shaken. There's another quote and that by Virginia Woolf and it I am rooted but flow. I am rooted but flow so I feel like when you're rooted in something then you can flow right you are free because you are you know, you're rooted in you don't get pulled and all these different directions. You don't get like blown the wind. You don't get shaken. You don't get the frost the frost doesn't bother you because you are rooted in something and you know what you're rooted in and you check back into that and even when you get knocked off course or even when the storm comes and you get blown and bent and whatever, you know, now I'm going like to this tree analogy you guys but it is so true when you're rooted. You will flow when you're rooted it. Will you will become unshakable. And you can tune back into that not to say that everything is going to be great and all roses if you are rooted, but it just gives you that. Thing that you can go back to it gives you some place that can you know, it's almost like going home. Right? Like if you're ever, you know, growing up and you're homesick or whatever and like or you just are feeling off or you're at college or whatever it was and then you're just in bad space and go home where you're loved and where you where you know, hopefully you're loved at your and at this worked for but like you could go home if were in this place and it would be like you would be renewed and it be like safe and you could start again, right? Like you would give you the confidence to start again. Well like that is what or if you made a mistake, right or if did something really stupid you always knew you could go home. And you were going be loved anyway, right? That's kind the same thing. Whereas if you're rooted no matter what's happening no matter what goes on no what mistakes you make no matter all the things you can come back to it. You can come back to it. But when don't have those roots, you're gonna get like blown away You're Gonna Get You Know taken You're going to get knocked down and you may not get back up. Right? So I would just love it. If you would would think like that and would try to come up with something for yourself and whether or you come up with a word or not at come up with some Something you can hold on to you know, I again if you want go back and listen to the first, you episode maybe two or three or both of them. I like they kind all went together at the beginning when we talking about starting this journey on finding our true north and this is what it's all about right taking the steps towards that right. And so if you don't want to succumb to like word thing and again I kind was like when first started hearing this a years ago, I was I don't want come with the word right? Like, I don't know. I don't I'm I'm I could come up with like five words. Do I to narrow it down to one and you know, no there's no rules right? But like if you if you don't come up with more than Two or three like three would be a Max that I would come with because what's going to happen is then you can't you you have have if the words are related to one another then that's better too because like, you know, like a glow and shine like those two things. It's so funny because like I have products called glow and shine and it's really crazy to me like that. I was like in the shower this morning thinking of my words and was like and shine has one and I oh or maybe I do glow maybe I could do radiate right but shine and glower to products that sell. It's just like really funny that was like, those are be a words for the year. I love the products, right? So those are gonna be my words for the year, but it's going to be I believe I'm leaning towards shine radiate is another one but I think I like shine better. But anyway, I I didn't I didn't mean to talk about me. What I want to talk about is just keeping you have something tangible that can Kind keep in your mind for these next couple of weeks because I know you're going hear this finding your word. And I'm gonna end with a of more quotes. I this is by it's Simone. I don't know Simone Weil. It says to rooted is perhaps the most important and least recognize need of the human soul to be rooted is perhaps the most important and least recognize need of human soul. So that is saying that you need she is saying that you need to be rooted because if you're not again, you can kind just get blown all over the place and I think it is a need because when we don't know where going when we don't know why we're doing things when are pushed in so many different directions when we are pulled, you know, whether it by friends and family by you your activities for your kids, whether it by your spouse, you know, all these other things that can get caught up in and you they're all important is the other thing right? Like it all seems so important like we want be involved with our kids. Activities we want be involved the school. We want be involved with our parents. We want be involved with our family. We want be involved with our spouse. We want be involved with our friends. We want be involved. You we we want all of these things. We have lives that are really driven by marketing. A of times they're driven by the ways of the world and seeing and what mean by that when say that is like they're driven by what you see and you what you is social media and it's typically you see all these highlight reels of everyone's lives. Right? Like some people post things on in a real and things like that, but still the majority of what you see or everybody's best moments. And the bad thing about that is is that you can kind start to think that your isn't as good as their life, right or you try to you can try start to try to think that you want more for your life like they have but what's happening is you're seeing all these different glimpses into people's lives that are their highlights right? You have your highlights, right, but you start wanting do All of those different things, right and it's not possible. Like you can't do all of the things like you can't go to all of the different places that everyone's going to in the holiday season with their kids and create all these amazing memories and all different places. It's not possible. But the problem is is that you see that from lots of different people and then you're starting to think. Oh I want to do I want to do that. I want to do I want to do I want to do that and it just relate to just the holiday, but especially at the holidays right like you want to do all these different things. You can't do them all and then you start to feel inadequate. Well, that is what it's like in everyday life when it's not outside the holidays right? Like when we get into 2024, we want to have something that we're rooted in so that when we see all these things we can be like, okay. No. No, I want to do this this you can prioritize like you can stay and we're gonna talk a lot. Really? Like if you are thinking about possibly wanting to grow in this area. I have a whole course and a cohort that we're going be starting in the new year. So So I am not here to add things to your to-do list this week because trust me I know it's probably long but what I am here is to just plant that seed that when you're going through your day if there's time when you're stressed or if there's times when you hear something from someone else that you're like, oh that kind struck a chord like I could that could be maybe my word. I would love for you to just jot it down or at the end of the day kind think back on your day and think about some things like you can write in your or write in your journal or if that's better in the morning for you. Whatever it is, but just say you can kind of start to think and marinate on what you want for 2024 so that we can get rooted. I think that is going to be really powerful and I am going to end with this it says be like a tree stay grounded connect with your roots. Turn over a new Leaf Bend before you break. Enjoy your own. Natural beauty keep growing. So that's a poem. I found a of different places. Nobody gave it credit, so I have no idea where it from, but I thought that was great, and I wanted to end with that and until next week y'all. I hope you have a great one. Talk to you soon. welcome back mamas. I am so excited. I am like on fire this week. So I just got back from this event. It called The Zone event and I am literally on fire to share with you just like I leveled up I leveled up this event. It is going to be another level of Danielle and I want to hammer home a topic today. It's gonna be like a one two punch. It might be like an actual gut punch for because If you're anything like me and you're a type, A like control freak this really hit me at the Zone event, and I want to share one takeaway and it about like losing control not losing control, but giving up control. Okay, so not really giving up your power definitely not giving your power but losing the feeling where you feel like you have to control everyone else and everything that's going on. Right like you have to be in control of it. All right, and this is what want to start off with a quote. It's a quote that found from Mark David who I have no idea who that but it said letting go of the need to control things doesn't mean letting go of responsibility. It means embracing life. y'all Going into holidays. We now in December. Hello December if you're anything like me also you love holidays, but Christmas is like my favorite thing Christmas is my favorite time of year, but there's a lot going on around this time. Yeah. It is super hectic. There are more things than ever that
are on your schedule. And then you have all these gifts to buy and you you have gifts for your family. You may do gifts for your friends. You may do gifts for your in-laws. You may do gifts for You like extended family cousins and then like you might like I pick off things off trees donations for like kids from the school or from the church or wherever it So you have all this other stuff that have to get done not to mention teacher gifts and everything else, right? So there's a lot on your plate and I if anything like me you're trying to control all of that, right and whether it be the parties or you know, the people that you encounter through all of these things like for I'm involved with my kids school and I came back from this conference and one the things that like stuck with me. At this conference like I wrote it down. I highlighted and it a big aha moment for me at the conference was you don't have to make someone else wrong to be right? You don't have to make someone else wrong to be right and what it means is like not that that person is right and you're wrong, but you just let them be let them have their opinion. Let them have their way thinking let them have things the way they want them so that you can have peace right? You can have joy it goes back to that quote. It's like embracing life is letting go of the need to control other people or other things. It doesn't mean you're you're no losing your responsibility for what you are responsible for. If listen to the podcast last week, I talked about taking responsibility, right but that's what we can take responsibility for. It's ourselves and our joy our peace how we are going to enjoy the holidays and the things is we are not going to let other people get the best of us. We're not gonna let other people and agendas or their opinions or their whatever insert the whatever get in way of us enjoying what we need to enjoy and so I was like tested I like thrown into a situation this week where I was tested on this exact point and it made be like, oh my gosh, I have to a podcast episode on this this week because It is just so important and I'll the story. So and I just generalize here but it was involving my child's school and different things. Like I am What's called Pod mom for my kids school. And I'm in charge of all the room parents and what we're doing for our like our class parties. And of whenever have all these people who step up to, you know, lead their room. They're obviously probably going to be more type A so everybody has their ideas. So as the Pod mom like you're in charge all of them, so you're ultimately responsible for what happens with, you the funds you have like think about this isn't our only party for the year and you we're gonna do this and that and how we're gonna rotate and who's responsible for what and all these things and everyone has their own opinions and ideas and you don't have to make anyone wrong right like you don't have to make anyone else wrong to be right. So let them have their opinions let them have their things let them have their time to process but if your job is to make sure the party is executed in such a that it is most efficient for all of the things right. It's a motor sufficient for kids. It's most efficient for teachers. It's most efficient for the parents. It's most efficient for everyone involved then ultimately your job isn't to everyone else happy that's involved in the process. Your job is to make the party a great party, right and you know, allocate the funds responsibly and to figure out how it all is gonna work, but you don't necessarily have make someone else wrong. In order to do that, but since it's your ultimate responsibility, you can just not give weight to someone who is you let's just calm the squeaky wheel right? Like they are they keep like putting their two cents in and two cents in and even if it doesn't really make sense or you whatever it's important to them. Right like whatever they're saying is important to them or they wouldn't want wouldn't be saying it right and have no idea what's going on in their life or anything, you know, they could be having some issues where everything is just kind you making them. I don't say crazy but making them at a heightened level of emotion. so they're just you know, firing back emails after emails off this like emotion that they have that's high that really if you look at the big picture, it's not going to make that big a deal right like it's not gonna make that big of deal. So if you give it weight and start making it make a deal. Then you're just fueling fire and then it creates like confusion for everyone else involved. Right? Because I like had to a conversation and be let's move this offline because we're involving all these other people and now everyone's probably super confused because there's all these emails back and forth and it was just a it just a crazy like dumpster fire of an issue by the end of it. Right and I had just like take a step back. I'm I'm just going to sleep on this I will respond in morning to everything and you know, you just have to it brings me back like I heard Mel Robbins one time and she this like let them Theory where it's like, you again, it goes back you don't have to make somebody else wrong to right. Like if someone else has a different opinion like let them like if you want to run I remember her her examples, like if want to run a five k and you want your husband to run it with you, but he doesn't want to run it like Let them if you want to lose weight, but your friend doesn't want do it with let them right if you want to whatever it Like let the other person be them. Don't you don't have to convince everyone to think like you everyone to do what do? You don't have to convince everyone that your is the way. But if you're in charge of something like just take the control just take you know, don't be rude don't you know, don't try not to ruffle any feathers right? Try to explain why doing it that but just move forward and don't give weight don't have to make someone else wrong to make yourself. Right? Right. Just embrace it like embrace the fact that you might disagree and embrace the fact that you might even be wrong. Like who knows you might wrong like you might not be right, but you're in charge so you're stepping forward own it right like take the responsibility going back to last week, but you also have to give up the control also and that's what this is about right like giving up the control of trying to control that person trying to change that other person's opinion. Again, maybe that person's opinion will wind up changing. Maybe they'll do it your way. Maybe they'll complain about it. Maybe you they'll go bad mouthing you everywhere. Maybe who knows what will happen right? But like you just have to let it go let go whatever's gonna happen. And you you know do what you think needs to done for the right reasons and then you move forward right and let go of the control and trying to control how that person feels or even control if understand like you've explained it. You've done your thing, like go and move on like this could relate to in laws, right? I think about the holidays coming It could relate to party planning. It could relate to you know, who's bringing what it could relate to, you like a lot of things when comes to family and the holidays that you have to just let them be let them go. Let them have their opinion you do you and let them do them. Like they don't have to convinced your way is the right way. You don't need to convinced their way the right Now, sometimes you're just gonna have to like go with the flow and not have your way either like you just have swallow your pride and just be okay. Look we're do it your way. I'm gonna let them I'm not gonna let this bother me. I'm just letting go and you go about and you have to you you're gonna have be at a party with them or whatnot like you just let it go right and it is what it And you if they're happy chances are it's gonna be a better situation when you're in the party or whatever because they're going to be thinking that they got their way and you know, maybe they did right like it's so again let go of that control if you didn't get it your way. That's okay. Right, but if you can just let go of the whole situation and you you and let them do them, but don't hold on to that. Like don't hold them in a space where You hold a grudge or you think about it later or anything? Just let them be and you be you that you can enjoy your life. Right, and I read another quote of course and this quote by Sylvester McNutt the third and it trying to control everything shows that you have no control. It creates anxiety worry and most importantly it proves that living in a fear practice The Art Letting Go you don't need to control every element of life. In fact, you cannot so breathe. Let it and focus on doing the best you can with what you have today. So he went so far as to say you're living in a state fear when you're trying to control everything and I think that's true to an extent. Right? Like I used hate flying. I would hate hate hate flying. was so anxious when I fly and you why it's because wasn't flying the plane like I don't love riding the with other people. I want be the driver right but in a plane like I can't like if I get on there it's like we're in it's in God's hands and my now that's what do. I give over to God. say a prayer and I'm good and I just let it go but like, you know it it was a fear because I'm not in control because I'm on this aircraft I decided to put myself there, but I have no control of what happens when we're in air if there's turbulence or what anyone else on that plane is going to do, you like somebody could you just stretch screaming a baby could behind you a dog whatever on the plane like you just A completely let go of your control to get on an airplane. Like I don't know people that are control freaks. Do feel me on the airplane thing or is it just me? I know but You that was a fear of mine that I believe was stemmed more in the fear that had no control over anything then it was this the stemmed fear of like being up in air or the of it. All you like all like makes me uneasy thinking about it. Like when you're up there like that, you're really that far up there. don't like thinking about it at all. But I don't know if it's just because like you literally have no control over it and I'm sure I'm sure that other people can relate to that but I'm going to challenge you guys this week what want you to do because want to keep these short and sweet and hopefully this kind like it may have ruffled some feathers, but want you to really think about what it is that you're trying to control in life. What is it that you're trying really hard to control? That's really not in control. It's not something that you can control like if it's something within yourself that trying to control and you're trying get a handle on you know, that's one thing but if it's something outside of yourself, what is it that you're trying to control or manipulate that is another way. We tend like want other people to do what we want them to do and we might use guilt we might use, you other things that we have in our tool belt to manipulate someone to control them. So what is it just think about this in your life. Like what is it that you're trying to control? And then how can I? Do it better. How can I release that control so that I can enjoy my life more How can I Not focus on trying to control that person or that thing or that situation. How can I and again, I'm go back to last week which is taking responsibility if haven't listened to it go listen, but how can I take a little responsibility in my Feelings of wanting to control them, right? And own that and release it. How can release some that and in turn enjoy my peace and enjoy this holiday season more and enjoy, you the things that are because this month this month in particular December is a month where we all get in the weeds. You it doesn't matter if you have a full-time job a part-time job. If you are a stay-at-home mom, it it does not matter what your position is in the month of December. It seems to be a really busy month and it gets crazy and emotions run high and it Especially when times get busy that's when I latch onto the control even more. So like I came off of this conference and I was like taking responsibility last week. Right? Like I went into it all this and then I come back and I get into this like mundane stuff of all the things I have on my plate to do for work for all my 19 jobs and I like think about this thing that I volunteered for that is causing me all this stress and I go into the control mode like I revert back to it, but what I did was caught myself in it, right? Like I was like, wow, this is really stealing my joy, and I'm not gonna let it do that and I don't have to let it do that. And so I was just like, okay. I'm just going to diffuse the situation and proceed forward right? And so that's what I did. But like it took that reflection it took that me coming off of this event. It took all of this work that I've been doing on myself to even be able to recognize that because in the past I would have just gotten caught up in the The stress of it right? I would have gotten caught up in the stress of it. I would have gotten caught up in the emotion of it and I would have reacted poorly or even if I didn't react poorly. I would have been a stress ball inside and I would have been trying to like make everybody happy and really what happens when you try to make everybody happy as you make nobody happy, right? So I'm just asking you to take a little time and reflect on the things that are bringing you stress the things that are bringing you this pain that you might be trying to control that you may be able to just let go of a bit let them right as Mel Robbins would say just let them and you can gain some of your piece back some of your joy back. So I want to challenge you this week. I want to challenge you to take some time and reflect on those things in your life that are bringing you pain that are bringing you some kind of suffering that maybe you can release the control of right like Release Control release expectations. You guys like release someone else's expectations of of you or release your own expectations of yourself, right? Like you may be trying to control all of the things because you think you have to be in charge of all of these things right or you think you have to be involved in all of these things, like maybe you don't maybe you don't have to be involved in all the things that you have to be involved with maybe you can give other people maybe you can delegate maybe you can have someone else take control of you know, the dinner this year or maybe you can have someone else can take control of the present. Buying or whatever it is. You can release the control and release some expectations and just let some people be right like let them. Whatever you can do this week to tune into your body when you are feeling that stress because the holiday seasons y'all they it brings it up, right? It just brings it up. So just reflect back on that and see what you can do to release some of that control so that you can accept the joy in the peace that comes with that. Right so you can embrace your life and enjoy your life and enjoy these amazing moments with your friends and your family and your loved ones. So that's my challenge for you this week. I would love to hear how this is hitting home with you any feedback you have for me and how this is impacting you and until next week y'all. Hey Mama's, welcome back. I am really excited about this topic you guys. I can't actually believe that haven't talked about this topic until now because I'm so passionate about this. It's something that actually what I'm give read. You know, I always start a quote. Well today, I'm gonna start with like a long quote or more like a poem kind of but it is a poem that I have had hanging on my place business since I started back in. I don't really want date myself but a long time ago as as I graduated college and started my first job. I hung this poem on my desk and everywhere. I went since then including in this office in my where I am right now. This is hanging and I have lived by this for so long and so I'm really excited to And upon because I'm gonna read you the poem we're gonna talk about it, but it's not just what this poem says. It's something else that happened today that made me even take this thinking to another level so Here we go. First of the poem which is called attitude by Charles Swindoll and I don't even remember like Charles Swindoll. I he's a preacher. Honestly. This is not like I had no He was a Christian or anything when I pulled this poem and he's an author but I didn't read any of his books that I'm to my knowledge my remembering I don't know where I saw this but the second saw it. I printed it out. I actually rewrote it and like colored on it and everything. can still remember the paper actually think I still have the original paper. I
have since Rewritten it but it's in I think a drawer mine. But anyway, I digress so it's called attitude. And it like this the longer I live the more I realize the impact of attitude on life attitude to me is more important than the past then education then money then circumstances then failures then successes. Then what other people think or say or do it is more important than appearance giftedness or skill. It will make or break a company a church a school a home. The remarkable thing is that we have a choice every day regarding the attitude. We will Embrace for that day. We cannot change the past. We cannot change the fact that people will act in a way. We cannot change the inevitable. The only thing we can do is play on the one string we have and that is our attitude. I am convinced that life is 10% what happens to me and 90% how I react to it. And so it with you. We are in charge of our attitudes. y'all If that is not so true, then I don't know what it because it is so important. Our attitude is so important and the best part about it is is that we get to control it. And even when we are faced whatever we're faced with we get to choose how we react to it. And so while I have talked about that in the past what I have this realization today is I was listening to our I'm a brand partner for a company a Lifestyle brand and were having our weekly like update call that we and the founder was talking about taking responsibility and that's exactly what we're gonna talk about today. So taking responsibility. So and she was just talking about how you when you take responsibility you're in control just like our attitude right and we get to choose if we take responsibility or not, but when you don't take responsibility when blame others, you are actually giving them your control. It's kind like even forgiveness right and forgiveness works the same way. Like if you don't forgive someone you're actually punishing yourself by Forgiving that person and just like blaming someone else actually gives them control and it doesn't give you the control because you're not taking any responsibility. So even if that person has The you some responsibility and I'm they do they have their responsibility, but you also have yours and so we have to actively choose to accept that responsibility and whatever it is that we're facing that up against that we're dealing with in our daily lives as moms that can a right? We have a on our plates, right and so, you maybe your husband forgot to take out the trash maybe your child forgot to pick their shoes. Maybe that happens like to mine ever. Remember to pick the shoes. No, they're just dream about no matter where they came in or when they decided to have hazardly take them their feet, but I digress so it is just about taking responsibility for the way that you react to that and you know, do you scream and do you take the shoes and them where they belong or do you you know make them come and get the shoes? Even where they like let them be and take make them take responsibility by comment taking the shoes right and putting them where they are. Like if you haven't set up a system in place like hey, you know take some responsibility in that Like let's set up a system. This is what we with the shoes that are you when you come in the this is they go. And if you already have a system then what your consequence right? Like if your shoes aren't where they're supposed be. So this just a very small example of ways that you can take responsibility even when it's not necessarily, you your thought that the shoes are there. However, what responsibility can you take in that moment? When you recognize that this not Behavior. You to have happening right? What responsibility can you take in that moment to get a different result next time to you have them take a bit of ownership and responsibility themselves. Like what can you do in that moment? So, you with the attitude quote the responsibility is the same exact way and it's so is relating to one another that was like I was just kind I don't why my mind was blown today, but was like, oh gosh it is so true because when get in the daily of your life, you can blame all these other people and especially you guys going into the holidays. You can start to think that you you just have so much going on. There's so things like you have to get this done. There's shopping, you there's a of things that do every day in life, but around the holidays there tends be number one more going on and then number two more that you're responsible for because you if you're buying gifts that you're you you're buying gifts for the kids you're buying gifts for your spouse you're buying gifts for you know in laws, you're buying gifts for whomever ever you're buying gifts for but it's not just like one birthday present right? It's everybody gets a gift all at the time. Is probably extra, you things that you're committed to in the evenings or Christmas parties or you for us it's like choir performances Dance with dance performances different things that happening that don't happen at all. The times of year that are all kind concentrated into the holidays. And so in to deal with that we need to have some tools, right we need to have some coping strategies and we need to maybe set some things in and maybe take some responsibility instead of you screaming because you're at your Wit's End, you know, maybe now is the that you think okay, what could I have done differently or what could I do to prevent that next time? and you I think Jen that's the founder. She was talking about a canoe, right and she had a whole different, you way that she was talking about this but it all about, you where co-creating and working together and all of this but it made me think of a time where my dad and I we took my daughters individually one at time out in a kayak on this like what's it called? I know. It's like an inlet of water right? It's not the ocean but it is called sound. That's what it is. It's in the Outer Banks and we were there and we were on this kayak and you know, my dad had an or and I had an hour and he in front and I was in back and you know, I was trying to guide him on what where we were going right? I telling him what to Well, he his own plan of what to do and you when we kind started getting further out and You my child wanted to turn around because she started to get kind nervous. We were my dad was cutting kind of starting to panic because like the canoe or the kayak wasn't going the way we wanted it the the current of the water was cheat was changing a bit and it was like pulling us where we didn't want to be and there like an area where we definitely didn't want go and you know, I was trying to tell him we oh, we each had our own or right. So if one person only had an hour then we just go in a circle right like and that's what kind Jen was talking about and but we each had an and you he wasn't doing what I told him to do. Right? Like he like kind panicking thinking he knew better what to All and so he was doing what he thought he should do. Right? And so I finally gave up telling him what he should do and I just, you know reacted to what he was doing. So if he doing the thing that told him not to that I to do the opposite or whatever or I had to like figure out what he doing and I had to do the opposite thing or or the thing I knew was gonna make us move and I'd Dad now, do you see we're doing this or whatever and I'd be okay, so listen to me and so, you know, I had to I took responsibility right I could just kept screaming at him to change what was doing to do what wanted him do but instead because he was like panicking I like, okay no, Danielle. What can do to change the situation? And what I could do was I could change what I was doing instead doing what I wanted do and what I knew was gonna get us back to shore. I started reacting to what he was doing and then talking to him Dad. See do you how we're going, you And then we actually then he started listening to me. And then as as he started listening to me and we started working together, we got back very quickly, right and he was like laughing later. He was like if I would have just listen to you right from the beginning which you I am always like saying just listen to me and you you mom is always right, right and though it wasn't my it was at the it was my dad and that's just as bad right like they all think we all think we know best right but usually usually I'm right Anyway, I digress because I love saying that right but I'm not always right right like we're not always right, but you and it doesn't matter. That's the point of this story I guess is that it doesn't matter if you're right or not. If the other person is doing actions that you don't want them to be doing you have to take control you have to take responsibility you get to decide how you react to that right? And so then you can change your actions and hopefully if They're going to see what you're doing. Your child is going to see how this actually helps right if they pick up their shoes and put them then they where they are the next time then when they go to try to put on their shoes, they actually are in the spot and if you know, or then my dad, you know realizes that you know, we're going in the right direction now, maybe I should listen to her right and so you have to take the responsibility first. And if they never change they never change right and maybe you have to set up some other type of consequence or something like that, right? But in most cases if you take responsibility, you're going to at get the control back, right and you're at going to make the situation better for yourself. And that is what we are looking to do here, right? Because we are trying to make things better. We are trying to get on this path for discovering our true north and take this journey to become a better person and that is going to be hard. We are gonna face opposition. We are going to come against a of things and we want make sure that we are choosing the right attitude every right but that we are also taking responsibility in all things in all It doesn't matter if we're right or if wrong we're taking responsibility where where it should taken, right? So I wanted to read one more quote for me for you from the Dalai Lama. So this quote is from the Dalai Lama and he says when you everything is someone else's fault you will suffer a When you realize that everything Springs only from yourself, you will learn both peace and joy. So you guys he is saying the Dalai Lama is saying when you think someone else someone else's always at fault, like you're always going to be blaming. You're always going to be in state of. You know not peace not Joy, right? Like they are you're blaming them. So they're in control of your situation. They're in control of your feelings, right? You're letting them control your pain, right? You are blaming them instead of taking responsibility. You are blaming them. And so never going be able to find peace or Joy when you're blaming others, you have to take the responsibility in whatever the situation is. And in that responsibility, you will then find peace or Joy, even if it's a situation that you cannot change and that you cannot control you will find the peace and knowing that you can't change it and you can't control it right because you cannot change other people they're going to change on their own accord. They're going to change if they want to right but you can't make them and they're not always going to change and so you're just gonna have to Find the piece and the joy in accepting the situation as it is but not in blaming them for it. Right because you give up that control and when you do that, you're giving them the power you're giving them the power and you're never to be happy when you think someone else has power over you, right? I hope this is making sense. I hope this is resonating with you. This was kind like short and sweet one. But I'm try to keep them really short and sweet through this holiday season because I know we don't have all the time in the world to listen to podcasts during this time. We have so much going on. Hopefully you can listen to this while you're doing something else right multitasking. Like I always do when I listen to my patent cast, but I hope you found this helpful and I cannot wait to talk to again next week. Welcome back mama's I am excited that it is Thanksgiving day. And you may be listening to me on Thanksgiving. If you have taken the time out your Thanksgiving Day to listen this podcast. First of let me say thank you very much. I am honored that you are spending some your Thanksgiving Day with me, but I want to talk to today about something that I just had a really big lesson in and when I thinking about what I would talk about this week, I'm like, what should do? What should talk about? I'm oh my gosh. This is it. So it's all about doing it messy. You guys doing it messy taking the action doing the things that you know need to be done or you want to do but you may not know exactly how to do it all but just going anyway taking the steps. Anyway, seeing the step in front and just keep moving forward, right? This is what I wanted talk to about today and what I am like learning along the I didn't used be very good at this. Like I always was fly the seat of pants and jump in and you I don't like a script like I never script out my podcast or anything like that. I usually have a quotes that hopefully keep me on track and I try not to too long right like but I always I just speak from the heart right, but that's not what I mean by doing it messy. I mean when you are In you you're doing something that haven't done before like I've done this podcast before I talk all the Like I feel like I am well
versed you a of the subjects that I talk about and so that's not really doing it messy what I is you know what I just did this past weekend and I'm pause and I'm I'm gonna because last week I totally Breeze through and my quote wasn't until like halfway through so I have couple quotes. I want share with you today. I think and one for sure is this one from Mahatma Gandhi and it says it's the action not the fruit of action that's important. You have to do the right thing. It may be in power may not be in your time that there will any fruit. But that doesn't mean you stop doing the right thing. You may never know what results come from your action. But if you do nothing there will no results. So I felt like that one I like is that the one I want do but actually for motherhood that one spoke to me so much because you know you for for your business or for making yourself better or things like that that you maybe doing it messy like just taking the steps forward. You're probably gonna see results right? Like you're going to see some results. But when do things like this with your kids like we're always doing it messy. Right? Like it doesn't have to be we you you've never done this before right when you become a mother your first child, like you've never done this before and you're doing it all messy, right and you don't know what that's gonna look like. You don't know what results are gonna come from it. You don't know if you're gonna see the fruits of results like you don't know but you just take the action and you move forward because you know that if don't do that if don't instill values, you don't make the corrections if you don't, you know discipline if you don't Do these things that are hard and that you mess it up half the time you wind up yelling you, you know you go off and you do these things that you thought. Oh, gosh, I would never do that. Right but you do them and you mess up along the but you're taking the action and the result is hopefully this child, right? That is gonna learn right from wrong. That is Gonna Learn, you know how to behave that is going to learn all these things. But if you don't do it, if you just, you know, don't do the hard and you don't mess up along the way then you're gonna have this kid that is ruling your house. Right? So thought that was really appropriate for motherhood. And then also just for anything that you're trying to do because if you don't take the action, if you don't take the steps moving towards that true north, you we keep talking about this is kind what my whole podcast is around is about right like finding your true north figuring out what's important to And then taking steps in your life to make yourself better to grow to move yourself forward taking actions making decisions doing things that maybe you've never done before right, but we're gonna do a messy. We're gonna do it messy, right? Like when I start when people start podcasts and I'm still at the beginning of my journey, right? Like they are probably really bad at it and I'd like think that wasn't really bad at it, but I'm sure I'm going to get better. Like know I'm going get better. I hope I'm not terrible but If I look back like what I be in future, this might really terrible, right and there's a lot of people like I heard Trent Shelton Trent Shelton has millions and millions of followers. He you he's will play football and he has a huge following and business and different things and he a podcast and he all kinds of things and when looks back at how he used speak and how he used to talk. He's like, oh my gosh, he's like, can't even listen, you know, it was terrible whatever and I'm I'll look back at this one day and think the thing in the of it, right? You are just taking the action, you know, you're messing up. Like I know I'm editing things out. I'm doing things that are like, oh gosh. I probably shouldn't have said or maybe shouldn't have but I do it messy and you leave it in because if you don't do it and move forward then you are going to never do it. Right? Like there's no result. They can come if it's a bad result. We always learn From our failures. We always learn from our mistakes. We always learn from these things. I have a oh gosh it fell down. I have a I have a quote hanging behind my head which it's now on floor because it evidently it fell down. It says there is no failure. You either win or learn so when you try something and you take messy action, I'm gonna tell you a story about why I think this was like in my head this week and it's because I don't know if you guys last week I told you that was doing this Mastermind. It was called the mom is ready to find mental health success Mastermind and I interviewed 10 experts, you know, it was supposed start on Friday who's actually supposed to start on November 11th, and I had to push it back to November 17th because I was having so many Tech issues and different things that we're going wrong that there was no way for me to fix all of that and get it promoted in way that I wanted prior to the 11th and even moving back to the 17th. I knew it wasn't going to be the way wanted it. However Or I knew that going into the holidays is when moms need this stuff most that's when they need to learn how to improve joy in their life to reduce stress in their life to be more present with your kids. Like this is the time of year that that is really hard. It's always hard right but this time of year, especially and was like, I do not want push this off any longer the longer I push it off, you you're up against Thanksgiving then you're into the Christmas holidays like moms need this now and so I move forward I did it. I you know all of my experts because of all the tech issues couldn't even promote it until like the few days leading up to the event and maybe it didn't get as much play as it should have. I don't know right a of the experts probably didn't even get to promote it the that they would have if it when it supposed to be but I just wanted to push forward and move forward and the reason Is is that if I didn't then you number one like who knows when it would the right time right? It's never the right time. But number two who needed that now like who needed what I had come up with what I put together what I had done all of this work for there are people that needed that right now they needed that right now, you know, and if I would put off, I have no idea, you know, if those people would be the same people maybe they wouldn't be you know, but I feel like everything happens for a reason and this was just my first Mastermind, right? Like I will do that again, I will do it again. The interviews were amazing the feedback I've had has been great if you listened or you you know, got your ticket or whatever you can actually still get replay. So it was over on Tuesday, but I'm replaying it like it's up alive through the weekend so you can still go register and get right now. So if you're listening to this as you know, it's Least on November 23rd, you can still get it through this weekend. I'll drop in the show notes how you will you will be to register and get that and you'll all 10 interviews and all 10 people dropped like a freebie that goes along with that interview so that you didn't just hear what said and you could actually take it and put into practice but I digress so back to the doing it messy. So I just pushed forward you guys. I was actually going to be in the Bahamas so out the country when it released I was leaving for Bahamas on Friday morning and that's it released. So I like, okay Mom. You've got to subscribe. You've to check on every morning and tell me if it's up if it's running, you just send me a I even know if I'm gonna be to get on me internet which I could get on the internet, but it unsecured and so it didn't work well and I couldn't do what I needed to do from over there to change or do anything. Thankfully it was going well and the automation that Up was you was working properly you guys but like it was it took a big like leap of faith. I was just trusting God and I was trusting that I was supposed do this and this was supposed happen and it was going to work in the timing that it was supposed work in right? I had chosen a date to this and already had to it back but wasn't gonna push it any further. I wasn't going to allow it to not be messy. I was going to take the action and to continue moving forward because I felt like that the right thing to do. And so whatever it is that you're making a decision for in life. Just know that you can do it messy. Just take that step like take that step forward. I would like to say that if you are moving forward in any, you towards any goal whether it be a you know, a career goal a business goal a personal Or whatever it is. You will do it messy before you do it well. And it's never going be perfect. It's never going perfect. Right and so it when start right, it's never gonna be a perfect when you start doesn't matter if you start now and do it messy or if you start later something about it is still going to be messy. So you have to take that messy action. So I have another quote that I wanted to share. And this one. I have no idea how to pronounce like I'm not sure if this came from this person or a group people but it just says take massive imperfect action towards your goals. The time will never be just right and I so believe that because you just have to run after it Massive Action. Like that's the way that you're going to make the biggest change in your life for yourself is by taking that massive action and doing it scared doing it messy doing it just because you know, that's what want to do. It's the right thing to do for you and you should do it messy. So there's affirmations. There's different things. You can say to yourself with regard to this to just you make sure that you are. Taking that action that you don't start doubting yourself because when we start doubting ourselves, we are again, we're over analyzing things. We are taking a look our self and thinking we're not good enough, right? Like we don't have what it takes in whatever aspect. It could a completely personal, you know, you could be trying to you know, trying to start journaling or trying to start meditating or trying to you it could starting a business or something like that, but it be starting to write a book. It could be, you know, anything that you want to do losing weight and you just know that you're going to have mistakes and you're to have things that happen along the and just remember that you are not failing you are learning right? You're either gonna win or you're gonna learn that's like one my favorite things so you can tell yourself that There is no failure. I either learn or I went I either win or I however, you want to put it like I put the win first you're gonna win because I'm hoping for the win. But if not, I'm Gonna Learn I'm gonna learn something and then guess what? I'm gonna take messy action again, and it's not gonna be as messy the next time I take the action because I'm going to have learned something and there's always going to be something to be learned right the more you take the action. The more there's going to be things that you want to do and you grow so you should just take the action today. Even when you don't feel ready, even when you don't feel ready because honestly the timing is never exactly right. The timing is never exactly perfect. So you're not going to feel ready whenever you take the action because there's always going to be something standing in your way. So I just want to implore you today to do it messy. That's my message. It's kind short and sweet this week, but really believe that it something that was a lesson that I learned firsthand and you guys I don't know what the results of my actions will be. I have no idea what kind impact this made. me taking this action of doing this, but I know that it gave the confidence I learned so much by doing it. There are many things. I want to improve upon but I hope that it made some kind impact and even it only impacted one person and even if that person was me because it didn't impact me like I learned a lot. I learned a from my it the people I interviewed but I also learned a from my mistakes and things I made along the way and even if that one person was me it was worth it. Right, but I'm hoping that it impacted other people. That was my you goal and I'm sure that it did so I implore you take the messy action. I would to hear your feedback sign up. If listening for to this this weekend you guys it's all for moms these women and one men one man. They poured into us they were so generous and they're offerings and you'll hear everything from you know goal setting and goal planning and time management to you know, just dealing with your inner anxiety dealing with finances. We we Whole segment on finances and cash flow and you know how to create a non-budget. It was really fun. That was a great like episode the finance one and you guys not episode. It was an interview but there were so many good nuggets and all of the interviews and there were tools that went along with those you guys and so I implore to go and click the link to register for that. So you get all 10 And you can have them through it through this weekend. Like I said and get the freebies all of the stuff is there for you even if you miss the event which is over yesterday, so I am excited for you to take some messy action. I want to hear about it when you do and I would love to hear some feedback and share it with some mamas too. That might be you know, white benefit from from this or The Mastermind so till next week y'all. |
July 2024
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